“From the rising of the sun to its setting, let the name of the Lord be praised.”
At first, I read this and thought, “Wow! This is a beautiful verse.” After really sitting on that first, suddenly I got a little scared.
From the rising of the sun to its setting is a pretty long time to praise the Lord. The author of this psalm is painting a picture for us in this verse, we are to praise the Lord all day. He is to be our very life and breath and all that we do should glorify Him. This requires holiness. Now of course we can’t do this perfectly, we are sinners. But we can try our hardest to surrender all our days to the Lord. We can choose to make it about Him and not ourselves.
What does praising His name look like? Declaring Him as our Lord through our actions (the way we serve and treat others, the way we worship the Lord, studying scripture, etc.), our words (the way we talk to others, the way we either bring life or death with our words, praying to the Lord, etc.), and thoughts. Loving Him with all our heart, soul, and mind. Studying scripture, memorizing scripture, practicing prayer consistently, serving the Lord and people.
Sacrifice. Sacrifice of self.
Surrender. Surrender to the Lord.
Sanctification. Sanctifying my heart, mind, soul.
I have to feed my heart, mind, and soul. I do this by praising the Lord with every breath I take. I won’t get it perfect, I’ll have days where I fail miserably. But let my soul remember how desperately I need the Lord- more than the air I breathe and food I eat. Let my soul remember this:
"From the rising of the sun to its setting, let the name of the Lord be praised."
I’m so thankful the Lord has brought you here to read this,
Kait Madison